A-Z Index

Dates in Northwest History


Day Year Event
June 1 1955 Northwest enrolled its first students in graduate courses.
June 1 1938 Dr. J.W. 琼斯从印第安纳州的特雷霍特来到这所学院,成为学院院长.
June 1 1993 The University began a mandatory recycling program.
June 1 2023 Dr. 兰斯·塔图姆以全国网赌正规平台第11任校长的身份开始在全国网赌正规平台工作.
June 2 1925 学校制定了“24小时规则”,要求所有教师在下午4点后24小时内留在玛丽维尔.m. on the last day of examinations at the end of each term or forfeit one half a month's salary; the incidental fee was raised to $15 to include a $2.50 activities fee.
June 4 1937 Gov. Lloyd C. Stark signed an appropriations bill for $250,000 for a new training school building, 它于1939年完工,至今仍是霍勒斯·曼实验学校的所在地.
June 4 1906 弗兰克·迪尔韦斯特被选为师范学院的第一任校长.
June 5 2011 Scott Bostwick, who was named the Bearcat football team’s head coach in January, died of a heart attack while mowing the lawn at his Maryville home.
June 6 1917 The first Tower yearbook was published and was named by Dr. E.L. Harrington of the physics department; the first degree class graduates, and for the first time, caps and gowns are worn at commencement.
June 6 1921 Uel W. Lamkin was elected president, effective Sept. 1, 1921.
June 6 1922 Homer T. 菲利普斯和玛格丽特·弗兰肯开始在学院工作.
June 8 2010 在肯塔基州举行的南方增长政策委员会年度会议上,西北创新与创业中心被认为是密苏里州2010年创新者奖的获奖者. 
June 9 1930 Poet Arthur Guiterman visited the Northwest campus.
June 9 2011 西北社区在熊猫体育场举行的生命庆祝活动中聚集在一起纪念橄榄球总教练斯科特·博斯特威克. 节目呈现出比赛日的气氛,并向波士顿威克致敬, who died of a heart attack four days earlier.
June 10 1929 将“24小时规则”修订为包括任期开始前一天和任期结束后的第二天, 哪些天教职员工要留在玛丽维尔,否则每缺勤一天就要扣一个月工资的10%.
June 11 1906 伊丽莎·穆恩成为第一个在第五区师范学校注册的学生.
June 11 2004 Northwest announced the American Dream Grant Program, 这是一项创新的基于需求的经济援助计划,帮助那些可能无法负担大学教育的本科生. 有资格获得美国梦助学金的学生需要满足全国网赌正规平台的所有入学标准,并且根据他们申请的联邦援助来自最贫困的家庭. Northwest filled the gap between the cost of tuition, room and board, 为符合条件的学生提供初级教科书和电脑的使用,以便学生在全国网赌正规平台头两年所需支付的最高费用不超过2美元,000 annually.
June 11 2019 西北社区聚集在一起,将其发电厂更名为约翰C. Redden Jr. Power Plant. Redden, died Nov. 12, 2018, 并在西北航空公司的设施服务区工作了45年.
June 12 1984 在行政大楼西翼的屋顶上安装了三个铜制通风器,以纪念行政大楼修复工作的完成, which was destroyed in the July 24, 1979, fire.
June 13 1906 Classes of the Fifth District Normal School began with 212 students. Additionally, 这所培训学校一开始就招收了64名从幼儿园到三年级的学生.
June 13 1934 教师们组织了他们的第一次会议,建立了美国大学教授协会的地方分会,并选举了Dr. Joseph W. 哈克担任总裁,布兰奇·道小姐担任秘书,玛蒂·戴克斯小姐担任财务主管.
June 14 1917 The Philomathean literary society purchased a $50 Liberty Bond, the first to be bought by a college organization during World War I. More than 20 years later, 该债券位于堪萨斯城的一家联邦储备银行,Philo成员将其兑换成现金,购买了奥利弗·德鲁斯(Olive DeLuce)的一幅画,这幅画在行政大楼展出.
June 15 2015 西北和玛丽维尔社区庆祝第四街改善项目的完成, which had closed the corridor for the previous year, 街道会重新开放,晚上会有剪彩和街区派对.
June 15 2017 Northwest broke ground for the Carl and Cheryl Hughes Fieldhouse, a 137,250 square-foot facility to serve a multitude of social, recreational and economic needs for the University and region.
June 16 1905 在密苏里州西北部建立第五区师范学校的法案成为法律.
June 18 1908 All work on the Administration Building, which began in the fall of 1907, was stopped because of a lack of funds.
June 18 1915 由1914届毕业生设计的普通别针开始销售,别针上印有一座双子塔的图案.
June 18 1926 校董会取消了1914年禁止在校园里成立兄弟会和姐妹会的规定.
June 19 1937 President and Mrs. Lamkin sailed for Tokyo, Japan, 第七届世界教育协会联合会世界会议, of which Federation President Lamkin was secretary-general.
June 19 1981 Franken Hall became a co-ed residence hall.
June 20
June 21 2018 Horace Mann Laboratory School students, teachers, 教职员工、家长以及西北地区和当地领导齐聚一堂,庆祝在布朗大厅北部的院子里开设了一个新的户外教室.
June 22 1906 采用了学术大厅的规格,即今天的行政大楼.
June 22 1921 A tourist camp was located in the north section of College Park.
June 23 2011 Adam Dorrel, a former Bearcat football player, 研究生助理和前七个赛季的助理教练, was named head football coach. 多雷尔成为该项目历史上的第19位主教练,也是梅尔·特耶德斯马退休和斯科特·博斯特威克意外去世后六个月内的第三位主教练.
June 24 1919 War service scholarships were provided for veterans for six quarters.
June 25 1977 The city of Maryville honored outgoing president Dr. Robert Foster by proclaiming Robert Foster Day. The Alumni Association honored him that night with a tribute banquet, culminating with the announcement of a $50,000 scholarship fund created in Foster's honor, 这是全国网赌正规平台72年历史上最大的奖学金基金.
June 28 1935 R.T. Wright joined the agriculture faculty.
June 28 2019 来自爱荷华州卡罗尔市动物科学专业的大四学生阿什利·布林克斯(Ashley Brincks)被评为“最佳学生”. United States Agriculture.
June 29 1915 The Coburn Players staged "The Yellow Jacket,“想象中的病人”和“仲夏夜之梦”挂在行政大楼前.
June 30 1977 Dr. Robert Foster, 他自1964年起担任该校第七任校长,并于1948年加入全国网赌正规平台, retired.
June 30 2010 全球网络赌博平台会的会员达到了历史最高水平,共有6人,737 members and 17 active alumni chapters.